About Egypt & Mesopotamia

Egyptian representation of two serpopards with crossed necks in the Narmer Palette (c. 3150 BC)

Sumerian Late Uruk cylinder seal (c.3300 BC) depicting the two serpopards with crossed necks.

The Serpopard is a mythical symbol common to Egypt and Mesopotamia. Are both the children of a common Pre-Historic ancestor? Maybe. The serpopard is a mystical symbol representing a hybrid of a serpent with a leopard. In the Narmer Palette, the first Egyptian historical document that records the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by the 1st Dynasty pharaoh Narmer (Menes), presents the serpopards with crossed necks that Egyptologists interpret as the unification of the two lands of Egypt in the beginning of the 1st Dynasty. The Late Uruk (c.3200 BC) seal is a bit older than the Narmer Palette and depicts the same symbol of two serpopards with crossed necks. What is the symbol of the serpopards with crossed necks in a Sumerian cylinder seal? This is a material evidence of the connection between the two early great cultures of the Fertile Crescent. Egypt and Mesopotamia are the two ancient civilized worlds that flourished in the Fertile Crescent of Ancient Near East in Africa and Asia respectively, The ancient Egyptian civilization developed a rich culture with more than 5000 years. The artifacts of ancient Egypt comprises complex and highly ornamented funerary equipments like coffins, sarcophagus, ushabtis, pottery, etc. The egyptian artifacts are temples, pyramids, papyrus. statuettes, coffins, sarcophagi, mummies, jars, vessels, pottery sherds, painted tombs, barques, boats, blades, lithic Pre-Historic artifacts, etc. The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia also evolved to become a complex society with almost 12,000 years of archaeological record, with a common writing system: The cuneiform script. Mesopotamia is considered the cradle of modern civilization introducing astronomy, religion, mathematics, architecture and agriculture. The artifacts of Mesopotamia comprises temples, shrines, ziggurats, pottery vessels and jars, statues, stellas, clay tablets, clay cylinders, etc. The most important Mesopotamian artifacts are the cuneiform tablets, made of baked or sun dried clay, these remarkable documents were discovered in many archaeological sites. More than 70,000 cuneiform tablets were dicovered representing religious, magical, medical, administrative, mythological, and mathematical documents. Both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia are our early teachers for a civilized society and promote their material culture is my goal as a "child of the Ancients". 


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